Ethical considerations for hiring a nanny

As a Nanny matching portal, we are committed to matching families with qualified and experienced Nannies who will provide safe and reliable care for families, pets and children.

We believe that appointing a Nanny is a personal and important decision, and it is essential to create a positive and productive working relationship between the family and the Nanny. This helps build a trusting and long-lasting relationship between the Nanny and family.

To this end, we have developed a set of Ethical Considerations that families should keep in mind when deciding to match with and then appoint a Nanny from Nanny Genie. These Ethical Considerations prioritize the safety and well-being of the family and children, while also promoting fairness, respect, and professionalism in the employment relationship with our Nannies. We encourage families to adopt these Ethical Considerations as part of their process to create a positive and fulfilling experience for both the family and the Nanny.

1. Respect for the Nanny: Families should treat their Nanny with respect and professionalism, acknowledging their skills, experience, and contributions to the care of their pets, children or homes.

2. Trust and transparency: Families should be open and honest with their Nanny about their expectations and needs, and should provide clear instructions on any medical or dietary requirements. Similarly, the nanny or domestic worker should be transparent and honest with the family about any issues that may arise.

3. Safety and well-being: Families should prioritize the safety and well-being of their child or home and Nanny, providing a safe and secure environment and taking appropriate measures to prevent accidents or injuries. Nannies should be trained in child safety and first aid and should be vigilant in monitoring the child or home’s health and well-being. Training is at the responsibility of the families appointing the Nannies. If the home is monitored by security surveillance, the Nanny should be informed in advance and care should be taken that such security surveillance does not intrude upon the privacy of the Nanny.

4. Cultural sensitivity: Families should be sensitive to the cultural background of their Nanny, including any differences in language, religion, or customs. Similarly, the Nanny should be respectful of the family’s culture and customs and it is the family’s responsibility to train the Nanny in their culture or customs in advance.

5. Privacy: Families should respect the privacy of their Nanny and should not engage in any behavior that may be seen as intrusive or disrespectful, such as monitoring the Nannies’ personal communication or social media activity or denying their Nanny the right to take or make personal phone calls.

6. Communication: Effective communication is essential for a successful working relationship between the family and Nanny. Families should establish clear lines of communication and be open to feedback from the Nanny on their performance and any issues or concerns that may arise. The Nanny should feel in a safe space to communicate clearly and effectively with the families.

7. Respect for the Nanny’s personal life: Families should respect the Nanny’s personal life, including their work-life balance and their right to privacy outside of work hours. The working hours should be reasonable, agreed with the Nanny in advance and respected.

8. Fair treatment and equal opportunities: Families should treat their Nanny fairly, equally and with respect, regardless of their gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, cultural background, nationality or other personal characteristics.

9. Support for professional development: Families should support the professional development of their Nanny by providing opportunities for training and education, such as classes in early childhood development , first aid or CPR certification.

10. Accountability and transparency: Families should be accountable and transparent in their interactions with the Nanny, including providing clear expectations and guidelines for behavior and performance, offering feedback on their work, and addressing any issues or concerns in a timely and respectful manner.

11. Respect for the Nanny’s autonomy: Families should respect the Nanny’s autonomy and allow them to exercise their professional judgement in caring for the child or home, while also providing clear guidelines and expectations for their role.

12. Professionalism: Families should maintain a professional relationship with their Nanny, including treating them with respect and courtesy, providing regular feedback on their performance, and addressing any issues or concerns in a timely and respectful manner. Nannies shall not be physically, mentally or emotionally abused or disrespected.

13. Boundaries: Families should establish clear boundaries with their Nanny, including guidelines around their role and responsibilities, and what is expected of them in terms of interacting with other family members or friends.

14. Consistency and stability: Families should strive to provide a consistent and stable environment for their child or home and Nanny, including maintaining a regular routine so this can ensure that the Nanny is reliable and consistent in their care.

15. Compliance with legal requirements: Families should comply with all relevant legal requirements for hiring and employing the Nanny, including labour laws, visa requirements, insurance, and end of service benefits. This ensures the employment relationship is fair and legal, and protects both the family and the Nanny from any legal issues that may arise.

16. Verification: It is the family’s responsibility to undertake any background checks, verifying credentials, and ensuring that the selected Nanny has the necessary qualifications and experience for quality child care that they require based on their own personal preferences.

17. Cultural Sensitivity: Respect and value cultural diversity, considering the cultural backgrounds and preferences of both the Nanny and the family. Accommodate cultural practices, traditions, and values in the selection process, promoting cross-cultural understanding and sensitivity. Embrace inclusivity and diversity when selecting a nanny, valuing individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. Avoid discriminatory practices and foster an inclusive environment that respects and celebrates differences.

18. Compatibility: We recommend that the family strive to create compatible matches between the Nanny and the family based on shared values, parenting styles, and expectations. Foster a harmonious working relationship that benefits both the Nanny and the family.

19. Confidentiality and Privacy: Families should train their Nanny into what is considered personal and sensitive information for the family and what should not be shared outside their home. Equally, families should be respectful of the Nanny’s privacy.

20. Conflict Resolution: It is recommended that the family have processes in place to address and mediate conflicts that may arise between the Nanny and the family where the objective is to provide guidance, facilitate open communication, and work towards mutually satisfactory resolutions that prioritize the best interests of the children and the well-being of all parties involved.

21. Professional Development and Fair Compensation: Encourage and support the Nanny’s ongoing professional development through training programs or workshops. Ensure fair compensation that reflects the Nanny’s qualifications, experience, and responsibilities.

22. Monitoring and Quality Assurance: Implement mechanisms for ongoing monitoring and quality assurance to ensure the Nanny maintains high standards of performance and professionalism. Conduct periodic evaluations, provide feedback, and maintain open communication with the nanny and the family, while ensuring to respect the Nanny’s personal boundaries and privacy. Provide a level of autonomy that allows the Nanny to perform their duties effectively without feeling micromanaged.

23. Work-Life Balance: Respect the Nanny’s work-life balance by establishing clear boundaries and expectations regarding working hours, time off, and personal time. Encourage open communication to ensure a healthy balance between work responsibilities and personal life.

24. Career Development: Support the Nanny’s career development by providing opportunities for learning, training, and professional growth. Encourage their pursuit of additional certifications or educational programs that enhance their skills and contribute to their long-term career goals.

25. Emotional Well-being: Prioritize the emotional well-being of the Nanny by creating a supportive and nurturing working environment. Foster open communication, provide opportunities for self-care, and be attentive to the Nanny’s emotional needs.

26. Continuity of Care: Strive for continuity of care by establishing a long-term working relationship with the Nanny whenever possible. This stability benefits both the children and the Nanny, promoting a sense of security and familiarity.

27. Environmental Responsibility: Encourage environmentally responsible and sustainable practices within the Nanny’s role, such as promoting sustainable habits and minimizing waste. Consider eco-friendly options for products and activities related to child care.

28. Community Engagement: Support the Nanny’s engagement in the local community by allowing them opportunities to participate in community events or activities, fostering a sense of belonging and connection.

29. Advocacy for Nanny Rights: Advocate for fair labor practices and rights of Nannies within the industry. Stay informed about relevant labor laws and regulations and ensure compliance with them.

30. Practice Kindness, Generosity and Love: Practice acts of kindness and reward your Nanny with encouragement, words of affirmation and acts of generosity when you can. This will help fostering a space of love and harmony in your home.

Thank you for reading through these Ethical Considerations and for matching with a Nanny from Nanny Genie. We wish you a positive and harmonious experience with your Nanny and also with Nanny Genie.